One thing that I like to do is serve other people. My work gave me the opportunity to volunteer in the building of a foot bridge in Nicaragua. During the rainy season the rivers flood and the villagers cannot get across. Working with Bridges to Prosperity we built on of these bridges in the Estelle region up north. The other thing I like to do on these service trips is take a few extra day to go fishing. While building the bridge I got to go spear gun fishing in the near by river. With weight belts, home made spear guns, and funky goggles we would swim big pools at night with a flashlight looking for resting fish. The locals were crazy good at this but I did get to shoot a couple.
Anyways at the end of the trip I ventured off on my own to San Carlos where I stayed at the "Tarpon Fishing Nicaragua" lodge on the opposite shore of town. An all inclusive fishing trip the food was amazing and the fishing was rememberable. In the morning we would go troll some spots close to shore known for Snook. Catching two each morning was a great way to start the day. We ate some for dinner the first night and gave some of the other meat to the riverside villagers that would make us our mid day lunch. Everyday you we would stop for an hour or two down river from the lodge at a small village, eat, take a nap, and then go back out fishing.
The first morning tarpon fishing we hooked an lost one that was probably around 30 kilos. In the afternoon we hooked and after a 90+ minute battle landed the giant pictured below that was estimated to be at least 80 kilos (200lbs). Met a Bosnian in another boat and together we landed the fish. The second day we hooked an lost one late in the afternoon that was about 40 kilos and overall it was a great trip. The lodge also offers peacock bass fishing but I passed on that opportunity. Talking with the Bosnian the fishing at the mouth of the river is much more productive but almost all the "big" fish are in the 30-40 kilo range. If you want to catch the big fish you want to fish high in the river but your catch rate will go down substantially. A fish a day up here is a good average.
Location: Fished down river from head waters of Lake Nicaragua
Time: All Day
Rod: Bait Casting Rod
Gear: Pulled plugs at a troll
Fish: 1/3 Tarpoon 4/4 Snook
Biggest Fish:80 Kilos Tarpoon
Smallest Fish: 4# Snook
Rating: 9/10