Saturday, May 5, 2012

North Lake, WA

As I discussed in an earlier post there are plenty of lakes next to my house that I need to go fish and this was one of them. This lake receives a bunch of planters but after fishing this lake these fish fight nothing like a planted fish.
Typical experience for me, I showed up to the lake with Dalton, we put the raft in the water and headed out. There is a dock and some good bank access to fish from but life is always better in a boat. This was also an opportunity to get my dog trained to sit in the boat an behave. She did really well. Talking with a guy coming off the water he told us to go fish by the neck of the lake. Its shaped similar to a bowling pin. Sure enough the second we got into the neck and I actually started paddling instead of lazily drifting my rod got nailed. I have rarely had a planted fish strip line. I first I thought I was snagged. As I began to real my line in, Dalton's pole was hit hard too. We landed them both and did that one more time before calling it a day. We fished seriously for maybe an hour and caught four fish that fought well.I was fishing only flies and Dalton had a worm dropper. Both were equally successful, although I got hit first both times we doubled up.

Other notes about the lake - the North end is shallow, we could see weeds most the time. The head of the pin has lilies but we had no problems getting snagged through there. The hottest spot seamed through the neck and 100yds out either side. 

Location: North Lake, Federal Way, WA
Time: 2pm-6pm
Rod: 5 wt w/ floating line
Tackle: Wolly buggers (black, brown, and green) and the occasional worm dropper
Fish: 4 Species: Rainbow
Biggest Fish: 14"
Smallest Fish: 13"
Rating: 8.5/10
 Luna being good!
 On a black woolly bugger

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