Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Crane Prairie & Wickiup Resevoir, OR

Some other intel I had gathered was fishing Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoir. Crane Prairie was burned before the reservoir was filled. So scattered throughout the lake are a bunch of dead, burnt, limbless trees. The method I was told to fish was called the crono-bobber method. Basically fly fishing with a bobber or in this case a 9' 6x leader, Ice Cream Cone midge and a strike indicator at the leader not. Was told to use extremely light tippet as the fish were leader shy but if I was successful the fish were to be monster rainbows. I was also told that the best fishing is from the second you can legally fish in the morning until the sun hits the water and no later than maybe 9am. So with my pontoon and crono-bobber rig I set out and tried my luck. Just as the sun was coming over the mountains my indicator went down. The fish looked close to 20" and like any rainbow in the lake had a pot belly to go with it so I would estimate it was over 4lbs. Unfortunately it wrapped a tree and broke off. I stayed out until 9am but then packed up and headed over for Wickiup.

Wickiup was a whole other ball game. Here you are fishing for monster brown trout eating tiny flies. Recommended at this time was and 18 or 20 callibaetis fly. I saw several fish sipping on the surface and a few more below as the lake was low and gin clear. Was not succeful in hooking up and mostly fished the intake portion of the lake as this is where I was told to go.

Location: Craine Prairie Resevour and Wickiup Resevoir.
Time: 7am - 9pm
Rod: 5 wt w/ floating line, 5 wt w/ sinking tip
Tackle: Ice-Cream Cone midge, and various callibaetis patterns.
Fish: 0
Species: Rainbow and Browns
Biggest Fish: N/A
Smallest Fish: N/A
Rating: 6/10

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