Sunday, August 3, 2014

Upper Deschutes, OR

So on my way out the last time I was tipped off that there is a way to catch big brook trout where I like to fish on the Upper Deschutes near the blue holes. I even found a fly fishing video as evidence that there were a lot of them. So this trip I was looking for the big brookies. When I say big the larger ones average 18"+. To target them you want to swing a size 10 or 8 brown crystal wolly bugger under every fallen tree and there are plenty of them. Swing you fly and if it doesn't get eaten or snagged cast again until one of the two happen. If the later happens and you get snagged, then simply walk down to the tree, unhook your fly, drop it on the other side of the log, and swing the next fallen tree. Eventually, you are destined to hook a crazed brookie. For me this happened on the second tree I cast after the three blue holes. It was crazy! If I haven't painted the picture there are a lot of fallen trees including the one you just swung him out from. So a good part of the battle is keeping him out from the trees which means putting him in the riffle. One of the coolest fish I have caught in my life. I dont know where the picture from the camera is but I took a picture on my phone to sent to friends.

Location: Near the blue holes
Time: 11am - 8pm
Rod: 5 wt w/ floating line, 5 wt w/ sinking tip
Tackle: Brown crystal wolley bugger size 8/10, 14 parachute adams, and 14 brown elk hair caddis.
Fish: 20+
Species: White Fish, Rainbow
Biggest Fish: 17" brookie
Smallest Fish: 3" rainbow
Rating: 10/10

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